Cardiac Rehab
Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation
The Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is designed to improve an individual's quality of life who have had, or are at risk for heart disease. It is a 12 week outpatient program which can be started at any time and is for anyone who has had a heart attack in the past six months, has undergone open heart or bypass surgery, has had a heart transplant or who has controlled angina pectoris (chest pains).The goal of this program is to help individuals through lifestyle changes, to reach their personal goals and maximum potential while stressing personal responsibility for their own health and well being. This goal will be different for each individual. The goal for some people will be to walk in the house and to cook their own meals. Others may desire a more active lifestyle such as shopping at the mall, long walks outdoors, regular exercise, or return to work.
Cardiac Rehabilitation helps individuals to reach their set goals in a variety of different ways. The participant and family members are educated to the physical and psychological implications of cardiac disease. Individual endurance and strength building sessions are conducted to help the participant attain their particular level of cardiac fitness. These small exercise classes employ a variety of activities including the use of equipment such as: the upper body ergometer, stationary bike, treadmill and hand weights.
The Marshall Browning Hospital Cardiac Rehabilitation program is supervised by a board certified Doctor of Internal Medicine. A Registered Nurse with a background in the care of cardiac patients will be present at all cardiac rehabilitation exercise sessions. Each participant's heart activity is monitored electronically. The program provides flexible, safe, individualized exercise and an educational routine enabling the participant to be aware of their limitations and to work at a safe functional level of activity.
For more information, please call 618-542-2146, ext. 4517.