Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy services are provided by Registered Occupational Therapists (OTR). Registered Occupational Therapists perform the initial evaluations, program planning and re-assessments as necessary. Licensed (certified) Occupational Assistants (COTA) carry out the treatment plan as established by the OTR.Occupational Therapists assist patients, who are disabled due to a broad range of diagnoses, in learning new ways to manage daily tasks such as eating, dressing and bathing. Special assistive devices are provided if needed. Increasing upper body physical strength and endurance becomes an important goal as well as development of skills necessary for returning to work, household tasks, and community activities. Work simplification and energy conservation techniques are discussed if needed.
Pediatric services as well as Hand Rehab/Splinting are also available.
Call 618-542-2146, ext 1099 to schedule an appointment.