Picture of a man sleeping on a bed.
Sleep Disorder Center & Sleep Clinic
Whatever sleep problem you may have - snoring, sleep apnea, restless legs, night sweats - a sleep study at the Marshall Browning Hospital Sleep Disorder Center could lead to answers. We specialize in helping to diagnose and treat sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. Those with sleep apnea have an upper airway that becomes repeatedly blocked during sleep, reducing or completely stopping airflow. Left untreated, sleep disorders can lead to heart attacks, glaucoma, diabetes and other complications.
If you suspect that you have a sleep disorder, speak with your doctor about your concerns and the possibility of coming to our Sleep Disorder Center for testing.
What can I expect during my sleep study?
You will spend the night in a private room where sensors will record the activity of your heart, lungs and brain, plus the level of oxygen in your blood and airflow through your nose and mouth. In addition, your body movements will be videotaped. One of our technicians will monitor the recordings all night.What happens after my sleep study?
Dr. Suhail Istanbouly, who is board certified in sleep medicine, will analyze your results and send a report to your doctor. This report will help your doctor decide which treatment to pursue, unless he or she refers you back to Dr. Istanbouly. In this case, Dr. Istanbouly will work with our Sleep Clinic staff to arrange treatment, which may include a continuous positive air pressure, or CPAP, machine to help improve your breathing while you sleep.Sleep Clinic
Marshall Browning Hospital offers a monthly Sleep Clinic under the direction of Dr. Istanbouly who is board-certified in sleep medicine and who can provide treatments, including medication, therapy and CPAP machines. The Sleep Clinic also provides full CPAP support, from mask fitting and machine use to proper cleaning, compliance and more.The benefits of a better night's sleep
Improving the quality of your sleep through the diagnosis and treatment of a sleep disorder can help: Increase productivity, improve your mood and ability to concentrate, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke or heart disease, lose weight, stop snoring, avoid night sweats and morning headaches, and improve your sexual drive.Sleep studies performed in the Sleep Disorder Center are accepted medical procedures and thus should be covered by most insurance carriers. Our program is accredited by The Joint Commission. For more information, please talk to your physician or contact Marshall Browning Hospital by calling (618) 542-1032.
Sleep Lab Online Forms
Sleep HistoryPre-Sleep Questionaire
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
Visual Analogue Fatigue Scale (VAFS)
Epworth Sleepiness Scale