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Photo of Rizwan Khan, MD, FACC, RPVI

Rizwan Khan, MD, FACC, RPVI



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Marshall Browning Hospital
Specialty Clinics
900 North Washington Street
Du Quoin, IL 62832

Prairie Cardiovascular
409 W. Oak
Carbondale, IL 62901


King Edward Medical University
Lahore, Pakistan


Internal Medicine Residency
University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OK


Interventional Cardiology Fellowship
Cardiovascular Diseases Fellowship
Tufts University School of Medicine
St. Elizabeth's Medical Center
Boston, MA


American Board of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine
American Board of Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Disease
American Board of Vascular Medicine - Vascular Medicine
American Board of Vascular Medicine - Endovascular Interventions
American National Board of Echocardiography
Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology
Certification Board of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography
Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation

More/Other Information:

Dr. Rizwan Khan affiliated with Prairie Heart Institute. He is an independent contractor and not an employee of Marshall Browning Hospital.

*Providers furnishing services are independent contractors and are not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital with the exception of Lindsay Casolari, FNP*; David Dickinson, DPM*; Adam Henson, M.D.*, Robert Herzog, PA-A*; Danielle Klump, MSN, APN, FNP-BC*, Kathy Laird, MSN, APN, ACNP*; Issac Lowe, M.D.*; Heather Rice, DMSc, PA-C*; Mike Staff, PA-C*; and E. Clay Travis, M.D.* *Such are employed providers by Marshall Browning Hospital.

Emergency Department (ED) physicians and Hospitalist providers are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. Integritas Emergency Physician Services provides ED physicians and Hospitalists. Radiology providers are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. RadPartners provides radiology services. Pathologists are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. SEMC Pathology provides pathology services. Interpretation of cardiology diagnostic testing is provided by independent contractors through Prairie Heart Institute. Specialty Clinics providers holding clinics at Marshall Browning Hospital are independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital unless otherwise indicated (*). Anesthesia services are provided by independent contractors and not employees of Marshall Browning Hospital. Anesthesia services are provided by G & G Anesthesia.


Independent physicians providing services at Marshall Browning Hospital bill for their services separately and the Hospital Financial Assistance application does not cover nor apply to fees charged. Independent physicians include but are not limited to emergency department physicians (Integritas Emergency Physician Services), radiologists (RadPartners), anesthesia (G & G Anesthesia), and pathologists (SEMC). All specialty clinic providers bill for their services separately and the Hospital Financial Assistance application does not cover nor apply to fees charged with the exception of the following physicians: Endocrinology Clinic: Issa Abed, M.D.; Gastroenterology Clinic: Hany Elbeshbeshy, M.D., Alex Befeler, M.D., Wissam Kiwan, M.D., and Kamran Qureshi, M.D.; Pulmonology: Suhail Istanbouly, M.D.; Rheumatology: Frederick Pfalzgraf, M.D.; Sleep Clinic: Suhail Istanbouly, M.D.; Pain Management Clinic: Jeffrey Sears, DO.


Marshall Browning Medical Clinic and Marshall Browning East Medical Clinic are hospital-based rural health clinics operated under Marshall Browning Hospital. Eligibility for financial need assistance as determined through the Patient Financial Assistance application will apply to services billed through the Marshall Browning Medical Clinic and East Medical Clinic.

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